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Every day two questions are always on top of the mind of any student preparing for any exam.
Where do I Stand?
This translates to knowing the current level of exam readiness and what one would score with the current level of preparation.
What Next to do to Succeed?
Students appear for an exam with a targeted score in their mind, and often the target score is determined by the cut-throat competition for limited seats. To achieve their goal, they have to bridge the gap between their current level of preparation and the desired level of preparation.
Also Read:- Learning On-The-Go: How Students Improve 24x7 on TCY App
It means that improvement areas need to be identified, the inputs required for the improvement obtained, and finally working towards that improvement.
Any coaching center that tracks these two answers for students and works on them can deliver better results. This simple principle is what helps TCY partner centers to outshine their competitors in terms of results. The TCY partner centers use cutting-edge assessment and deep analytics to assess where the student stands continuously.
Then inputs on what next to do get shared with students through the mobile app in the form of remedial practice, recommendations to revisit topics and exercises from the book, and special remedial class suggestions for teachers, so that they are also able to individualize instruction.
This amalgamation of assessment, analytics, and practice is the TCY methodology. When transferred to a partner coaching center, this methodology helps students reach their target scores faster and with lesser effort.