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Do You Have a Rubric Based Scoring System for IELTS/PTE?

Do You Have a Rubric Based Scoring System for IELTS/PTE?

Do You Have a Rubric Based Scoring System for IELTS/PTE?

By Admin / Apr 09, 2021

Have your students ever asked, “Why did you grade me that way?” or stated, “You never told us that we would be graded on grammar!” This is a very common issue that most of the IELTS Coaching Institutes face. This happens because different human raters score students on differently. 

In case you don’t believe it, simply give two human raters the same student essay and ask them to score it. This happens because it is very difficult to find proper agreement between human raters so whenever they are giving an overall score it is very difficult that they would give similar scores.

The two human raters must be weighing the scoring parameters differently in their minds according to their own experiences so far. So, to bring consistency in the scores among human raters, it is very essential that how these essays are scored must be clearly defined and one of the ways to do that is to use a scoring Rubric. 

 A grading rubric includes criteria, levels of performance, scores, and descriptors which become unique assessment tools for any given assignment. For example, IELTS Writing Tasks are scored on Task Achievement  & Task Response, Coherence & Cohesion, Lexical Resource, and Grammatical Range & Accuracy.

Grading rubrics are effective and efficient tools that allow for objective and consistent assessment of a range of assignments. A human rater can be explicitly trained on these rubrics for accurate rating. It becomes much easier for the teacher to score with the help of Rubrics and it also makes the entire scoring system more scientific and principled.

Another advantage that is achieved while using Rubrics is that all the parameters are given equal weightage which might not be the case when a human rater scores an essay. Rubrics evaluate every parameter independently and hence every parameter would get the correct weightage.  

Rubrics can help your institute clearly define expectations from the students and at the same time these will also show them how to meet them, thus making students accountable for their performance. Rubrics can help give a detailed analysis of each scored essay so that your students know their weak areas. Since each parameter is scored independently, feedback that students receive, can help them focus on a particular parameter with the help of remedial inputs. This also ensures that rational scores are awarded to the students and there is clarity in your method of assessment. Therefore, rubrics bring consistency in grading.

This makes the entire remedial process meaningful and more scientific. Also, the pinpointed weak areas are only possible through this modern approach and not by using the conventional scoring system. So, whenever you think of selecting an IELTS or PTE test series, you should ensure that the scoring is through the Official Rubrics as it happens in TCY's platform for coaching centers.

The algorithm can pinpoint the problem areas and every stakeholder is also informed about what the next step for the student is going to be. They ensure that nothing can come between the student and their desired score. The entire process is very effective and learner-oriented.

So it is time to shed conventional ways of scoring speaking and writing items and use the advantages of rubric-based scoring integrated with automated remedial mechanisms.

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Last updated on : Feb 20, 2025