A complete application kit to a normal B-school asks for the following:
A Resume (usually limited to 1 page)
Letters of Recommendation (anywhere between two to four)
Essays (Anywhere between 1 to 8)
A resume is an outline of your career so far.
It is a document that will give an introduction to the skills you have to offer in addition to highlighting all the professional achievements that you have accomplished so far.
A resume should summarize your work experience and achievements neatly.
Letters of Recommendations
Letters of Recommendations (LORs) are testimonials from your superiors or professors. An LOR gives a third-party perspective about you.
The idea of an LOR is to get an independent observer to testify what you have outlined in your essay.
Most business schools require 2 to 3 LOR's. Choose your recommenders carefully. It is advisable to get work-related recommendations.
The most important point in selecting a recommender is that he or she should know you well and should have worked with you closely.
Essays are the most vital component of the application as they provide you with the opportunity to articulate yourself on a professional and personal level.
A good application with bad essays will lead to a reject; and an application with a low GMAT score or poor college marks can still get an admission offer if they are supplemented with very well-written essays.
Most B-schools have their own specific essay questions rather than generic personal statements.
Admissions essays for B-Schools require that you keep the narrative flow smooth and logical. Each point mentioned must be substantiated with relevant examples and anecdotes from your educational or professional experience.