Why the GMAT Matters?
By / Feb 13, 2019

For over 60 years GMAT exam has mattered, both to get into a B-School of your choice and to embark on a career of your choice.
Today it matters even more.
• GMAC’s research shows the proven ability of GMAT to predict success in MBA programs.
• A recent article in
Quartz suggests that B-Schools can be ranked by the average GMAT Scores of their students.
• The same research also reveals that from a select group of CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies, those who attended an MBA program with higher average GMAT scores were likely to earn more in their careers.
It requires patience and perseverance. Study Smart to become GMAT Strong. Here are two tips to help you do your best.
• Plan your prep. Practice with purpose. Plenty of
tips and strategies are available for you to stay positive on TCYonline.com.
• Check out the free resources available on mba.com and TCYonline.com, which have a rich repository of tests to help you ace the test. TCYonline.com has also received rave reviews for the
Integrated Reasoning Section unique to GMAT. Try it NOW.
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