Exams for various subordinate technical and non technical posts are conducted by Railway Recruitment Board. Generally, the exams comprise of Numerical Ability, General Awareness, General Intelligence, General Science and also, Technical Papers. Educational qualification varies according to the post applied for. Here, you can find comprehensive preparation material including mock tests, topic wise tests and previous year papers for RRB exams like JE, NTPC, RRB ALP, RRB Level-1, etc.
Topic-wise Tests
Mock Tests RRB JE, (ALP/Tech), (Level-1), (NTPC)
Sectional Tests of RRB (ALP/Tech), (Level-1)
Previous Year Papers
I subscribed one-year package with TCY for Government Exams category last Jan-Feb. It helped me a lot in practicing for the exam at my desk. Sectional tests helped me in focusing on my weak areas while mock tests helped a lot to make me familiar so much so that I never realized pressure during the real exams. With each mock, my score got better because I was able to analyze my attempted questions, compare time spent by me in each question and average time taken by other candidates. Also the solutions provided were well-designed and qualitative.