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INTERN-SUMMER TRAINING PROGRAM @ DOCCKOLKATA GET TRAINED FOR A REWARDING CAREER IN IT (PHP - My Sql- CMS-Wordpress-Codignator-Zen cart- Drupal- Magento - Java-J2ee-Core Java-Adv. Java -Web Application - mobile application - web design Training - projects
Which of the following is NOT a part of JDK?
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i am to take admission in BCA dis yr... cn u plz help me wid wt b my starting point for studying BCA ... with the starting point i mean the basics of BCA
There is no basics of BCA as such. It will be better if you learn computer basics (Windows,Word,Excel, PowerPoint etc) before enrolling in BCA because colleges assume that you are already familiar with computers. If time allows enroll for a programming course like C also.
In C, how can we convert the string 'Non Resident Indian' to -- > NRI ?