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SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) is a globally recognized, standardized test, widely used for college admissions in the United States, as well as in other countries. As per the College Board that governs the test, "SAT is intended to measure literacy, numeracy and writing skills that are needed for academic success in college." Accordingly, SAT tests for proficiency in two subjects: Mathematics and Reading & Writing skills. Since its inception a hundred years back, SAT has undergone many changes. It is now being offered in the Digital, module-adaptive format. Prepare for Digital, Adaptive SAT exam with us and maximize your score. Get access to numerous SAT adaptive mocks, and topic-wise practice tests that will boost your confidence and prepare you thoroughly for the actual exam. Scoring in the TCY mocks also replicates that in the actual exam, so that you have a fair idea beforehand what score to expect in the actual exam.
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