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Physics Preparation for JET (Diploma)

(5 Posts)

This thread is dedicated to preparation for Physics section of JET (Diploma). You may share questions related to topics like Light, Human Eye, Electricity, Magnetic Effects of Current, Sources of Energy etc.

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Nabaratna Das
Posted on May 05, 2018 10:15 PM
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Posted on Jan 04, 2015 4:19 PM

If , and and , then the value of is

- 25
None of these
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Vatsal Arora
Shared from Matter in our Surroundings - 3 on May 03, 2014 4:15 PM

The factor which does not affect the rate of evaporation directly is ______.

wind speed
size of the object
shape of the object
motion of the constituent particles
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I think size of the object affects the rate of evaporation as bigger the surface area faster the evaporation.

Shared from Force - 2 on Nov 13, 2013 7:51 PM

If the velocity of a car of mass 3000 kg is changed from 18 km/hr to 36 km/hr by applying a constant force, find the impulse of the constant force.

65,000 Ns
54,000 Ns
15,000 Ns
10,000 Ns
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The answer should be 16875 Ns right?

Dipesh Dp Don
Shared from Work and Energy on Sep 08, 2010 10:46 PM

Two particles of masses 1 g and 4 g have equal kinetic energies. What is the ratio of their momenta?

1 : 4
1 : 2
1 : 8
1 : 16
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M1*v1^2 = m2*v2^2 v1/v2 = 2:1 (m1 * v1)/(m2 * v2) = 1:2