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Overall CAT 2009 Analysis
There was a XAT failure and there is this one in CAT. Many students all over India could not enjoy their first day first show with Prometric-NIIT-IIM led CAT 2009. Exam for more than 300 people will be rescheduled in the next 9 days as their test could not begin at all. The first day was certainly a flop show.
Overall, the common feeling among the test takers was that the test was of moderate level of difficulty. This was expected as this was IIMs first tryst with the computer based CAT. As most of the test takers fond it easier we can generalize that the first of the 20 tests was of moderate difficulty.
The navigation and test interface was very user friendly. The Highlights in case of RCs remained for all the questions answerable through that RC. It was possible only because all questions related to a RC appeared on one page (scrollable) and NOT as one question a page as it appears in GRE. This was good news considering the fact that the video by Prometric said that the highlights would go off as the screen changed.

The only exception was a button to quit the exam that was available on all pages and many takers clicked on that by mistake leading to sudden end of their test.
As per the students� opinion, Quant was of the level of CAT 2006. It was quite manageable. The cut-offs are expected to be higher. However, some well placed traps in Data Sufficiency questions may so the damage.
Verbal was much like that of past two years. Many students observed that RCs were shorter as compared to past years.
Students found DI section the most time consuming mainly because of the few logical questions. Also, the questions that appeared in sets were presented the same way as RCs were - That is, all questions based on one set of data were on the same page. Here also, highlights were possible till the end of the set.
  1. Stay cool! The test is manageable.
  2. It is pretty CAT and did not incline towards GRE or GMAT.
  3. All basic topics in Quant are important to be covered viz. Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry etc.
  4. Practice more on Logical reasoning questions with long statements and only one question per set.
  5. Practice a lot of past CAT questions will help you gain confidence in handling the test!