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Will you like to share with your students/peers the best online educational videos?
Your Opportunity
The www is replete with great educational videos, but they are often hard to find particularly when one is looking for the best of the lot. One has to search multiple websites to find them. Also, there are very few conceptual videos linked to tests. There are tests and tests; there are videos and videos – but no link. The best learning is the one that links the best tests to the best videos. Here is your opportunity.
For New Authors
Step-by-step Easy Instructions for Getting Started
  1. Make a new account if you haven't yet. Click here to make your account.
  2. Choose a sufficiently narrow topic in which, you believe, students need good inputs.
  3. Search for the topic in various sources. Keep changing the topic wording till you get many good hits. As you find an excellent video, note its URL.
  4. Click on "Upload New Test/Video" under "My Test"
  5. Click "Upload Video".
  6. Fill the URL of the video and click the submit button.
Here is How You Gain
  1. Your name and photograph will be displayed on our website along with the list and reference of the videos tagged by you.
  2. You have the opportunity to catch the concepts taught in the video and convert them into online tests and earn from them depending upon viewership and download. Since you know the true value of the video, you can easily convert the concepts into good questions.
For Existing Authors
You know that your online earnings depend upon the viewership and download of your tests. How can you make your tests standout in a multitude? Apart from the quality of your tests, what will attract students to your tests is whether and to what extent they help strengthen their concepts. And how can your tests strengthen the concepts being tested? By providing them links to the best online lecture videos.

Step-by-step easy instructions for getting started
Same as above in case of videos that are not related to your tests
You may also connect videos to your existing tests. Click here to upload videos with existing tests. You don't have to work specifically for the video. The work has already been done for you by somebody else. Any number of videos can be linked to your tests, but avoid crowding. Greater number of clicks on your test will result in more royalty for you.
For Both Existing and New Authors
  • You can also make your own video (of not less than 5 min duration and not more than 25 MB) and upload it on Youtube.You can submit its URL on Most of the videos on have been added by teachers like you.
  • Make a list of favorites and make your students watch the videos along with your tests for conceptual clarity and for feedback.
  • Searches for more specific topics tend to generate greater number and more interesting videos.
  • A good video needs:
    • Excellent conceptual clarity and helpfulness
    • Clear presentation and attractive aesthetics
    • Adequate standards of technical production with no distracting background 'noise'