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Ashoka University is a premium private university in India, located at the outskirts of the National Capital. The university offers UG, PG and Doctoral residential programmes. It offers well-rounded learning in multidisciplinary undergraduate programmes to aspiring students. Admission to these undergraduate programmes in the University is through Ashoka Aptitude Test (AAT), which runs in conjunction with the SAT/ACT exam. Candidates are shortlisted for admission in Ashoka University UG programmes if they have appeared for SAT or ACT or Ashoka Aptitude Test (AAT) or have their final Class XII board/equivalent examination scores. The AAT is based on Cambridge Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA), which comprises of two sections: Problem Solving Skills and Critical Thinking Skills. Find here complete practice material with Mock tests so as to crack AAT and gain admission to the portals of Ashoka University.
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