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Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) Hyderabad has released a recruitment notification for 1,363 posts under Group III Services in various departments of the Government of Telangana state. The last date for registration of online applications is 23/02/2022. For more details about TSPSC Recruitment (2023), including number of vacancies, eligibility criteria, selection procedure, how to apply and important dates, are given below:- |
Vacancy Details : •Post Name: Group III Services •No. of Vacancies: 1,363 |
Job Location: Telangana |
Eligibility Criteria Required: Candidates must hold a Bachelor's Degree of a University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, or a Provincial Act or a State Act. |
Age Limit : 18 to 44 years as on 1st July, 2022. |
Age Relaxation : As per Govt. rules. |
Application Fee: Each applicant must pay Rs. 200/- as Online Application Processing Fee and Rs. 120/- as Examination Fee. All the unemployed are exempted from payment of examination fee. The fee should be paid through online payment mode, i.e. Net Banking, Debit Card, Credit Card, etc. |
Selection Process: The selection of the candidates will be made on the basis of Written Examination (Objective Type). |
How to Apply: Eligible candidates should apply online through the TSPSC official website. Candidates are first required to submit One Time Registration (OTR). Candidates are required to enter all required details - Name, Date of Birth, requisite Educational Qualifications, Community, Gender, Local Status, Ex-Servicemen & Sports, etc. Candidates must upload photocopies of required documents, passport size photo and signature, etc. |
Important Dates: Last Date for Registration of Online Applications: 23/02/2023 |
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