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The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released a recruitment notification for 12,523 posts of MTS and Havaldar. The last date for registration of online applications is 17/02/2023. For more details about SSC MTS Recruitment (2023), including number of vacancies, eligibility criteria, selection procedure, how to apply and important dates, are given below:- |
Vacancy Details : •Post Name: Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) •No. of Vacancies: 11,994 (Age Group 18-25 years: 9,329, Age Group 18-27 years: 2,665) •Post Name: Havaldar •No. of Vacancies: 529 |
Job Location: Multiple Locations |
Eligibility Criteria Required: Candidates must have passed Matriculation (10th Class) Examination or equivalent as minimum qualification from a Central Government Recognized Board. All candidates who are declared qualified by the Commission for Document Verification will be required to produce the relevant Certificates such as Mark Sheets, Provisional Certificates, etc. for completion of Matriculation or equivalent in original as proof of having acquired the minimum educational qualification, failing which the candidature of such candidates will be cancelled by the Commission. |
Age Limit : 18-27 years as on cut-off date (i.e. candidates born not before 02/01/1996 and not later than 01/01/2005) |
Age Relaxation : 05 years for SC/ST, 03 years for OBC and 10 years for PWD candidates |
Application Fee: General and OBC category candidates have to pay Rs. 100/-. Reserved category candidates are exempted from payment of fee. The exam fee may be submitted through Online or Offline payment mode. |
Selection Process: The selection of the candidates will be made on the basis of Computer Based Examination (Objective Type, Multiple Choice Questions), Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Physical Standard Test (PST). |
How to Apply: Eligible candidates should apply online through the SSC website ( from January 2023. Candidates are required to upload the scanned colour passport size photograph in JPEG format (20 KB to 50 KB). Image dimensions of the photograph should be about 3.5 cm (width) x 4.5 cm (height). |
Important Dates: Last Date for Registration of Online Applications: 17/02/2023 |
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