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Posted on Jul 12, 2017 7:47 AM

The lecture talks about thanksgiving which is celebrated as a holiday to praise and thank the god on the fourth thursday of November, since 1863. The lecture states this as something of religious tone which was then turned into a federal holiday which is similar to what has been stated in the reading about thanksgiving, which firstly had a religious observance then turned into a civil tradition.
The history of thanksgiving as stated in the reading, dates back to the year ,1621, the time of the first harvest, by the pilgrims of the Plymouth plantation that lasted for 3 days, which is similar to what has been listed in the lecture. Though, the lecture states that 53 pilgrims created the feast which is refuted in the reading, according to which 100 pilgrims and 90 native americans enjoyed the feast.
The reading states that it was more about celebrating the harvest than it was about thanksgiving which is similar to the lecture where it has been said that the pilgrims weren’t accustomed to thanking on a specific day but on specific harvest for instance, one after ending of a drought or a military victory.


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This seems somewhat short and I think you could expand on this by expanding a bit more...Also, it could be somewhat clearer and this is related to word use. This can be done by using more specific wording. Otherwise this is good and I think it would fetch a fairly high score. To get a higher score you should spend time correcting errors. There are a number of spacing and punctuation errors, most notably not capitalizing names.