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Posted on Jul 11, 2017 10:17 PM

The lecture and passage talks about Thanksgiving which is celebrated after a successful harvest. This harvest is celebrated by the settlers at plymouth after a successful harvest season as mentioned by passage.

The passage states that the feast were for religious purpose whereas the lecture contradicts this by stating that it was not for religious purpose.

The passage and lecture tend to agree that the celebration was continued for 3 days where 90 Americans were invited as guest along with 100 surviving pilgrims as mentioned in passage.

At last , passage and lecture also agree to the fact that the pilgrims celebrated first harvest rather than thanksgiving.


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This is really too short nor do you use details to illustrate the relationship between the points. The word limit is 200 minimum and this is just barely over 100. Had you expanded it by using he details this would have been better, otherwise this would fetch a relatively low score.