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Posted on Mar 02, 2015 7:06 PM

The memorandum is from a Vice president of Alta manufacturing company which states that sleep deprivation is the only cause of on the job accidents in a company .
The author is saying that there was thirty percent increase in the accidents than panoply industries which is having more working hours than ours. So to reduce
the number of accidents they suggested to shorten the working hours by one hour,only then there employees will get adequate sleep.

The argument suffers from many flaws.Firstly the analysis they talk about is only of the previous year ,what happen presently they haven't talk about that so there
might be less accidents.Moreover there is no base value for that as on what grounds they are talking about this value.

Secondly if the company will provide them with the lessen working hours,then how could employees will utilize that time in sleeping.Its not really that important that
this will provide employees adequate sleep . Employees could do anything in that time.

Also he is falsely assuming that fatigue is the only cause of increase in accidents ,there must be many other reasons of accidents ,like the employees of Alta manufacturing company might
not get proper training for the job they have been employed.Moreover there might be work load on employees ,which the employees may not handle properly.There might be
number of staffs employed on one particular machine ,so accidents may occur .In addition to that there could be the mismanagement of machines,not proper lightening and many
other reasons may arise .
In a nutshell,the reason recommended by the author that accidents occur only and only due to sleep deprivation of employees and what I feel is that it is wrong because there
could be many other reasons of accidents and what I suggested ,it could be one of them so to stop the number of accidents firstly they should find the proper cause for that and
only then there could be some solutions for that.


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