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Posted on Dec 31, 2014 12:21 PM

The editor of a corporate newsletter negates the old notion that the workers are generally passive about the management issues by constructing his claim on a recently published survey, where 79% of around 1200 workers, who filled questionnaires, showed interest in topics of corporate reconstructing and redesigning of benefits programs.

This argument suffers with many flaws which the editor may have overlooked. Firstly, the sample size may not be large enough to construct the given conclusion. Also, the sample size has not been defined properly in terms of type of workers. Secondly, the argument is silent about the body/authority conducting the survey, which may be conducted by the management itself. Also the methodology of the authority is unknown. Thirdly, the respondents who were positive, showed interest in topics of corporate reconstructing and remaking of benefit plans, which will directly effect the workers.

The first flaw relates to the sample's size and quality. The sample contains of 1200 respondents, but he company may have employed a million workers, which then weakens the credibility of the size of the sample. Also, the argument is silent about the composition of the respondents. May be the majority of the respondents were a part of management itself, which will affect the outcome of the argument. Has the sample been homogeneous, containing only workers unrelated to management, then the argument would have been more plausible.

The second flaw pertains to the body conducting the survey. If the management itself conducted the survey, the respondents may become defensive in their opinions and fake a positive response. Hence, the results would be severely affected by this defensive stance of the workers. Also, the methodology of the survey could have been better. Instead of interviewing the respondents, where they may fake responses, lie, become defensive etc, observing the respondents would have been better, since their actual behavior will not be affected by any psychological/ emotional charges. Moreover, if the respondent's identity in the survey wasn't anonymous, the results could been deviated form the truth.

The third flaw relates to the topics of concern, shown my the respondents. The workers were readily interested in reconstructing the corporation and rebuilding the benefit schemes. Apparently the employee is always interested where, he may be retrenched or where his incentives may be altered. Hence, this cannot state that the employees are not disinterested in managements' issues, say, reconstruction of capital base, expansion, introduction of a new product, adhering to laws etc.

Thus, if the flaws mentioned above( which are intrinsic to the argument)' were missing, then the editor's conclusion that the workers do take interest in managements' issues would have been more believe, or as a matter of fact more reliable.


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Braham, a very good effort. I would recommend this response to all. A few errors pertaining to usage of words exist. I am willing to discount this factor as they are not repetitive in nature to show your writing skills in poor light. But do take care to avoid such errors. For this you can score between 3.5 to 4.5 .Overall a great effort. Keep it up.