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Posted on Oct 30, 2014 1:13 AM

This is the memorandum issued by the city council on the subject of arts they had stated that according to the survey they said about 15% more people started watching visual programs as compared to five years ago. During these years the number of people visiting has also increased. The corporate support to the public visual arts plan is facing shortage in the funds supported by these corporates which might led to decrease in the number of persons visiting the museum. Thus author concluded the city funding should direct towards the public television.

This memorandum is very well presented but still it has many flaws. The first flaw they are mentioning that according to poll 15% more residents watch T.V about visual arts. The point to be brought into consideration that the source which conducted the survey is reliable or not on which basis they are mentioning the percentage whether is it conducted by some reliable agency, website, newspaper and by the government it can be incorrect also. There is a time lag also in this argument, as the poll, which is organized five years ago for that no proper year is, mentioned neither the percentage so which makes difficult in comparison moreover the source which conducted poll is also not clear which should be mention clearly.

The other flaw, which we can see in this memorandum is that the people which are visiting the arts museum has increased by similar percentage again the percentage is not mentioned clearly that how many people has increased in visiting the museum. The poll which has conducted according to that we cannot say that more percentage of people has increased in watching T.V programs or in visiting the museum because the sample size is not clear as the 15% is what number of people. Let us assume there is 10% of 1500 people watching T.V Five years ago on other hand if its 15% of 500 people so the old percent is greater.

The Last flaw, which we can see that they are mentioning in memorandum that due to redundancy in funding public television sector there would be decrease in the number of people visiting the museum. How there is link in watching T.V programs and visiting museum. How can reducing the television sector funding reduce the number of people going museum. Then the author is concluding that the city council should allocate some funds towards the public television so that there would be no decrease in people visiting museum. If the point mentioned in memorandum would be clearer and it could be very helpful.


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