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What After the NEET UG Exam?

What After the NEET UG Exam?

What After the NEET UG Exam?

By Admin / May 21, 2019


After the NEET UG exam, students look forward to prepare for AIIMS or JIPMER (MBBS) exams. There is a slight difference in the preparation approach for AIIMS, JIPMER, and NEET. AIIMS is much more difficult to crack than NEET because of the limited number of seats and difficulty level of questions. You need to solve JIPMER questions in less time than the NEET questions.

The structure of NEET, AIIMS and JIPMER is given below:

  • In NEET, out of total 180 questions, 45 questions are from Physics and Chemistry each and 90 questions are from Biology (Botany and Zoology combined).
  • The AIIMS exam consists of 60 questions each from Physics, Chemistry and Biology and 10 questions each from GK and Reasoning. AIIMS gives equal weightage to all the subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology), while NEET asks more questions from Biology.
  • The JIPMER entrance exam has, in addition to PCB, a section on English Language and Comprehension (10 marks) and Logical and Quantitative Reasoning (10 marks) each.

An outline of the major differences between the exam preparation approaches required for AIIMS, JIPMER and NEET exam is given below:

  • The type of questions asked in the AIIMS exam are quite conceptual and application based. NEET and JIPMER also ask such questions but to a small extent. To get into AIIMS, one needs an in-depth knowledge of each and every subject. Though difficult, it is not impossible!
  • As the paper is conducted offline, NEET previous year papers are easily available. It is recommended to solve these before appearing for the exam. On the other hand, as AIIMS and JIPMER are conducted online, their previous year papers are not available.
  • AIIMS questions are not solely NCERT based, whereas NEET and JIPMER questions are. As there is no clear distinction of the AIIMS syllabus, the exam may appear to be difficult in comparison to NEET and JIPMER which are limited to NCERT. The Assertion Reason type questions in AIIMS test the basic understanding of NCERT based concepts.
  • An AIIMS aspirant has to cover wider syllabus as compared to a NEET aspirant. Both require different types of preparation strategies as NEET has more Biology questions than Physics and Chemistry.
  • It is also important to realize that even if one scores well in Physics, Chemistry and Biology in JIPMER, a poor score in English can bring down your national ranking.

Example question from AIIMS:

Directions: In the following question, two statements are given. One is assertion and the other is reason. Examine the statements carefully and mark the correct answer according to the instructions given below.

Assertion: Reproductive isolation brings about sympatric speciation.
Reason: It is the primary mode of speciation. e.g. Darwin's finches.

1. Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.

2. Both Assertion and Reason are true, but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.

3. Assertion is true, but Reason is false.

4. Both Assertion and Reason are false.

Correct Ans. 2

Sympatric speciation occurs when a subpopulation that occupies the same niche develops a unique mutation that prevents it from mating with original population. This speciation phenomenon most commonly occurs through polyploidy, in which an offspring or group of offsprings will be produced with twice the normal number of chromosomes. Geographical or allopatric speciation develops when population is geographically isolated.
It has been considered as a primary mode of speciation, e.g. Darwin's finches.

Analysis: It requires in-depth knowledge of the topic to answer the question correctly, since it comes under questions which need thorough understanding. However, in NEET and JIPMER, questions are a bit straight forward.

Example question from JIPMER/ NEET:

Which of the following organelles does not contain RNA?
1. Plasmalemma
2. Ribosome
3. Chromosome
4. Nucleolus
Correct Ans. 1
The plasmalemma acts as the interface between the machinery in the interior of the cell and the extracellular fluid (ECF) that bathes all cells. The plasmalemma structure is also termed as fluid mosaic as it is a network of both lipids and proteins. The lipids and proteins are present in varying proportions of 1:1 - 1:3. These lipids are dotted with proteins and are found to stick to the membrane or form a bridge spanning from outside to the inside. It is devoid of ribosome.

Analysis: This is an easy and straight-forward question asked directly from NCERT.

If you want to practise similar questions to crack the entrance exam, visit TCYonline or click here. At TCYonline, a huge database of practice and mock tests is available with which you can practise and prepare for the AIIMS or JIPMER. The website provides detailed analysis of student's performance through its powerful analytics. This analysis provides a student deep insights into his strengths and weaknesses. This way a student can chase the dream to be in his/ her dream institution.

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Last updated on : Feb 19, 2025